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jean-luc picard
JoinedPosts by jean-luc picard
Reinstatement policy...anyone who knows please comment.
by cyberjesus inok, here is the question.. if a dfd person shows to a kh of congregation x and starts attending the meetings and talks to the elders and tells them he has been attending the meetings for a year in congregation y. how will the elders in cong y verify that?
would they need a letter, a phone call?
will they check with the branch?
The big bad "worldly" person
by roxanesophia inconsidering this looks to be mostly a ex-jw site, you're probably thinking "coming into it?
" but i have friends in it who have persuaded me to have a bible study and attend meetings, and well, hey... it isn't doing me much harm.
jean-luc picard
Also, I was told that the memorial actually resembles a satanic ritual of denying the body and blood of christ. REALLY!?
No I haven't heard that one. I attended over 30 memorials. The're not a lot different from other meetings, apart from the wine/bread and the bigger attendance.
You seem to want to hear both sides, in order to make a clear decision.Please dont ever change.
I commend you for that. And indeed, the decision is only yours to make, and here at least you will be respected for your decsion.
However, you probably realise that the jws do not listen to both sides: "not even eating with such a man".
Have you heard that expression?
Maybe you could ask your friend:
How many jehovah's witnesses are disfellowshipped each year? answer >70000.
Why are they disfellowshipped? ( Dont accept for an answer " because they dont love God etc. Get concrete reasons.
How are they treated by jehovahs witnesses afterwards?
How do you feel about that?
Do you know anyone who's been disfellowshipped?
How do you treat them?
How does that make you feel?
Dont be surprised if your friend becomes uneasy.
You will find lots of horror stories if you brouse the forum. Believe me, they are not made up.
Good luck on lifes journey roxanesophia
How big is apostasy?
by Knowsnothing inin the short time i've lurked and been on here, i've seen a couple of new people join, and tell their experiences.
my question is, how big is apostasy in numbers?
could we take a rough guess?
jean-luc picard
Technically speaking (jdub technically that is )
everyone who is disfellowshipped is apostate as their definition is :
a standing away from the truth.
Since its THEY who decide what is truth, anyone who does not even obey them, let alone disagree vociferously,
is an apostate.
So that makes 73000 a year.
It's been quite a while...
by confliction init's been a long time since i have posted here, or logged on- mostly lurking around once in a while, but not as of late... just wanted to drop in and say hi.
most of my activity has been on facebook, so i probably know a lot of you guys on here already- i'm taylor milligan.
lots of things have happened since my disassociation a while back including arguments, threats of being kicked out, encountering shunning firsthand, and to top it all off, i turned 18 a bit ago, and am now on my own- lots of drama between all of this :).. .
jean-luc picard
Good luck on lifes adventure Confliction.
July 15th WT out - Coming out Swinging at Apostates Hard
by LostGeneration inthis is one of the most aggressive watchtowers i think i have ever read.. four study articles on not "following the crowd" not following unrealities(page 13) not following false teachers, meaning apostates of course(p 15).
avoiding false teachers means "refusing to read their literature, watch tv programs that feature them, examine their web sites, or add comments to their blogs.
(para 7, pg 16).
jean-luc picard
This wont change anything.
Those who want to will still watch, read and listen.
Most active or fading JWs dont come on exjw sites to convert people or to justify themselves,
but because they are in a dilema. They are there, because they are not happy with the things they are hearing. They are searching for something they do not have.
WTS threats will do little to deter these ones.
July 15th WT out - Coming out Swinging at Apostates Hard
by LostGeneration inthis is one of the most aggressive watchtowers i think i have ever read.. four study articles on not "following the crowd" not following unrealities(page 13) not following false teachers, meaning apostates of course(p 15).
avoiding false teachers means "refusing to read their literature, watch tv programs that feature them, examine their web sites, or add comments to their blogs.
(para 7, pg 16).
jean-luc picard
"I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life, as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service us."
Hey its just me
by What Now? ini just wanted to introduce myself ... i've been following this forum for a few months and finallly joined.
my parents became witnesses when i was four years old.
even when i was younger i always had doubts (my sweet old grandparents were "wicked" and would be destroyed at armageddon???
jean-luc picard
Welcome aboard What Now?
and good luck.
I haven't had an invite......
by watersprout inwe haven't heard a peep out the dubs and it's frickin fantastic!
no invitation, no phonecalls, no visits, even my inlaws have backed off!
it's either a good thing and we have fallen off the radar or they are like ravenous animals and lying in wait ready to pounce.... perhaps it because we made it clear we don't care if we are d'fed or not and they have nothing to frighten us with.. i don't know and don't care what there silly plans are!
jean-luc picard
I don't know and don't care what there silly plans are!
I'm free of them and thats all that matters!
Good for you watersprout.
The big bad "worldly" person
by roxanesophia inconsidering this looks to be mostly a ex-jw site, you're probably thinking "coming into it?
" but i have friends in it who have persuaded me to have a bible study and attend meetings, and well, hey... it isn't doing me much harm.
jean-luc picard
Hello J.Hofer.
I dont like clubbing personally.
I've never been able to figure out if its just my nature or a result of the indoctrinisation I received.
The big bad "worldly" person
by roxanesophia inconsidering this looks to be mostly a ex-jw site, you're probably thinking "coming into it?
" but i have friends in it who have persuaded me to have a bible study and attend meetings, and well, hey... it isn't doing me much harm.
jean-luc picard
Welcome roxanesophia.
There are some very nice people who are Jws. You have friends in the sect yourself!
There are people who I miss, who are really nice. They are not all nice, and unfortunately, because of human nature, often the less nice ones, driven by ambition, get into positions where they can dominate the really nice "sheep", who like sheep follow along meekly.
If you say today, I'm not really interested, I'm not coming to the memorial, how long will it be before your friends are discouraged from seeing you?
How will they respond to that? What will happen to them if they "disobey?
This is all serious food for thought.